News :

July 21 2017

Workshop SYNOHE

The SYNOHE (Synchrotron and Neutron techniques for Organic and Hybrid Electronics) workshop will be devoted to the application of large scale facilities techniques (synchrotron and neutron) to the investigation of materials of interest for organic and hybrid (opto)electronics. This workshop is supported by the European ORZEL project  and the Groupe de Recherches (GDR) Organic Electronics […] >>

June 16 2017

HLF2017 – High Level Forum

An international Forum devoted to Innovation and managed by the Grenoble Innovation Campus GIANT. >>

June 16 2017

InMRAM Summer School

This introductory course aims at helping students, researchers and engineers having little or no background in magnetism to better understand the physics and working principles of this new class of magnetic memories called MRAMs (Magnetic Random Access Memories) based on magnetic tunnel junctions. These MRAM and particularly the STT-MRAM (Spin-Transfer-Torque RAM) memories are attracting an […] >>

June 16 2017

MedFIT 2017

MedFIT is the first European business convention dedicated to innovation partnerships in the field of medical technologies, diagnostics and IVD. The event gathers all the actors in the innovation cycle from research to market along with the key players in regulation and evaluation. MedFIT main objectives: to build R&D collaborative projects between start-ups, industrials and […] >>

June 13 2017

LMGP seminar – SANNICOLO Thomas

Transparent Electrodes based on Silver Nanowire Networks: Physical Properties, Electrical Distribution and Integration into Devices >>
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