News :

May 12 2017

French American Workshop 2017 – 6th edition

This scientific event, supported by the US Consulate in Lyon, the French Embassy in Washington, and the Nanosciences Foundation, gathers academics, scientists and industry representatives. We aim at developing the French-American network around opportunities in the fields of research and industry. The main theme of these two days will be the franco-american cooperation and research […] >>

April 27 2017

1st EU Environmental Research Infrastructures–Industry Joint Innovation Partnering Forum

A community of 23 pan-European environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRI RIs), members of the European Commission Horizon 2020 project ENVRIplus, will meet with Private Industry partners to explore opportunities for new joint innovation projects. >>

April 20 2017

SAMSON School 2017

SAMSON School 2017 will take place next to Lyon, France’s third largest city, from June 19 to June 23, 2017. There, you will learn how to use SAMSON, the software platform for computational nanoscience, and SAMSON Elements (modules for SAMSON), as well as how to develop your own SAMSON Element >>

April 06 2017

InMRAM Summer School

Introductory course on Magnetic Random Access Memory run by SPINTEC. >>

April 06 2017

Leti Innovation Days

Leti Innovation Days, “Miniaturization technologies: innovations and roadmaps driven by Leti.” This event, for professionals from industry, coincides with Leti’s 50th anniversary. June 28 and 29, Maison MINATEC On June 28, renowned Leti and international keynote speakers – Intel, Renault, ST Microelectronics, Sanofi Pasteur, Globalfoundries, Engie, Qualcomm, Valeo and so on– will address healthcare, environmental […] >>
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