News :

April 06 2017

“Photovoltaics: thin layers and advanced concepts” Day

“Photovoltaics: thin layers and advanced concepts” This day-long event is open to all (and especially PhDs and post-docs) and is organized by the LANEF laboratory of excellence. Registration required. >>

April 06 2017

Colloquium “Teaching Science: From Higher Education down to Primary School”

May 11, 1 p.m., Grenoble Institute of Technology Phelma Auditorium at MINATEC Colloquium organized by Phelma students on “Teaching Science: From Higher Education down to Primary School” (ASUR project). Contact: >>

April 06 2017

Minalogic Business Meetings

MINALOGIC Business Meetings, on April, 26th 2017, proposes one-to-one international business meetings in a move to facilitate the internationalization of projects and bring together developers and key accounts from target countries such as Belgium, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Taiwan, the UK and the US. Minalogic, the global innovation cluster for digital technologies, has undeniably become […] >>

April 06 2017

Engineering Sciences Olympics

Engineering Sciences Olympics, academic fi nals April 12 11 h 30 – 2 h, at Maison MINATEC >>

April 06 2017

Fondation Nanosciences 4 PHD PROGRAMS

April 10, Fondation Nanosciences Deadline to submit projects to 4 PHD PROGRAMS. Accueil >>
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