News :

June 15 2020


ESSDERC : 50th European Solid-State Device Research Conference ESSCIRC : 46th European Solid-State Circuits Conference >>

June 15 2020


The 17th edition of ESONN will be held exceptionally online from August 24 to September 04 2020. The two main topics will be nanoelectronics and the interface between biology and chemistry. >>

February 07 2020

Leti Innovation Days 2020

A 2 hour digital event to boost your innovation and chase the next big ideas​. Hear experts discuss the future of sensors and data maximzation, followed by interactive panel discussion.     >>

February 07 2020

JSIam 2020

Junior Scientist & Industry annual meeting 2020 >>

January 21 2020

Bridging the gap between semiconductor technologies and architecture

Webinar workshop “Bridging the gap between semiconductor technologies and architecture” design focussed on 3D integration, Photonics & Cybersecurity >>
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