News :

October 01 2012

An artificial kidney with its own measuring system

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A Leti research team working under the FP7 Nephron project has developed an embedded system for measuring the concentrations of key dialysis solution ions (like sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and urea) before and after the solution passes through an artificial kidney. This measuring system includes a five-electrode electrochemical sensor and control software to test the […] >>

October 01 2012

Why electrodes in lithium-ion batteries fail

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A recent study at INAC confirmed what scientists had already suspected: the main reason why electrodes in lithium-ion batteries fail is because the lithium accumulates and gets “stuck”—no longer playing its role in charge transfer. The scientists tested their hypothesis using NMR, and designed their experiments so that the iron in the material would not […] >>

October 01 2012

Slow-wave propagation lines on nanowire membranes

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An IMEP-LAHC research team has developed a new type of slow-wave propagation line for circuits operating at millimetric and radio frequencies (3 GHz to 300 GHz). The lines are fabricated in a clean room and made of a metallic nanowire membrane enclosed in an aluminum oxide substrate. They range in thickness between 50 µm and […] >>

October 01 2012

Real-time, stress-free cell sorting

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If you hybridize a macromolecule made of a short oligonucleotide and an antibody on the probes of a DNA chip, you get a cell biochip that can recognize things like cells and bacteria. This is exactly what an innovative research team at INAC recently did to develop a method for capturing blood cells involved in […] >>

October 01 2012

The cyber security arms race continues

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Leti’s cyber security research team recently presented the latest findings of its research into two attack mechanisms: lasers and electromagnetic disturbances. This 30-person team of experts has been looking specifically at hardware, now a prime target of cybercrime and, therefore, a cornerstone of enhanced security. The goal is to develop methods for keeping physical equipment—electrical […] >>
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