News :

June 01 2012

3D integration meets 4G

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The ultra-high bandwidth Wide I/O interface developed by Leti and ST-Ericsson will soon be used in a promising new way: to link two processors in a new system-on-chip, called MAG3D, for 4G telecoms applications. Incorporating the latest in 3D integration, MAG3D will deliver twice as much power as its predecessor, Magali, without having to go […] >>

June 01 2012

A truly miniature high-resolution magnetometer

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Leti has developed a miniature version of its high-resolution helium 4 magnetometer that offers state-of-the-art sensitivity on a gas sample of just 100 mm3, or 320 times smaller than the full-size model. Leti, which carried out the development work in association with FEMTO-ST (a CNRS joint research unit), has filed a patent for a process […] >>

June 01 2012

More efficient processors thanks to magnetism

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Scientists have found that by adding advanced magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) to frequency demodulators, they can cut the power requirements of some applications by a factor of ten. Spintec calculated the energy savings using the design and simulation software it developed in association with two university partners. Now scientists are even more confident in the […] >>

June 01 2012

Understanding the shape of red blood cells

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Why do some hollow biological objects (like red blood cells and pollen grains) lose their rounded form to take on a variety of multi-faceted shapes? To find out, scientists at INAC—in association with two other laboratories—carried out a series of experiments using water-filled gel-phase membrane vesicles ranging from 1 to 15 microns in diameter. The […] >>

June 01 2012

Cleaner graphene powder has arrived

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INAC researchers have developed an improved graphite exfoliation process that generates a graphene powder totally free of any type of metallic or organic contamination. Graphite exfoliation is the most commonly used method for making graphene powder in quantities ranging from grams to kilograms, and INAC’s new, patent-pending process eliminates a major bias that had been […] >>
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