News :

February 05 2016

MIT and Leti partnership continues to produce results

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Leti delivered its first suspended microresonators to MIT in 2014, following suit with a new generation of the component in 2015. The microresonators still deliver femtogram precision—but they now also boast a network of sensors for even faster analysis and redundant measurements. The microresonators are being used in the US where they help medical professionals […] >>

February 04 2016

Heterogeneous reactors and reactions class to be held on March 13–18

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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A special winter session on heterogeneous reactors and reactions will be held on March 13–18 at Alpine ski resort Les Houches. The program, offered by Codegepra (the region’s process engineering development committee), will feature a review of basic concepts as well as numerous business cases on fuel cells, lithium-ion batteries, biomass gasification, CO2 capture, water […] >>

February 04 2016

CCL building completed ten weeks ahead of schedule

  • Life @ MINATEC
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Construction on MINATEC’s new CCL (software design center) building was completed in January 2016—less than a year after breaking ground and an impressive ten weeks ahead of schedule. The building meets France’s stringent thermal efficiency regulations and offers 2,900 sq. m of floor space on four levels. The ground floor will be used exclusively for […] >>

February 04 2016

A video encoder that uses just 19.1 mW of power

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The future of low-power design just got a little brighter. The H.264 video encoder developed by researchers from Leti and Vietnam National University (VNU) uses just 19.1 mW total power; products currently on the market use between 30 mW and 600 mW. The research was conducted as part of a jointly-supervised Ph.D. thesis. The team […] >>

February 04 2016

Double quantum wells on a PMOS nanowire transistor

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The R&D partnership on advanced CMOS transistors between STMicroelectronics, IBM, and Leti has produced some impressive results. Two silicon-germanium (SiGe) quantum wells separated by a thin layer of silicon have been produced on a PMOS transistor with a grid unit length of 15 nm. The combination of SiGe and silicon results in a 1.5% deformation […] >>
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