News :
December 08 2015
Silicon photonics on course for reaching speeds of 10 Gbps and up
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Leti is setting a new state of the art in silicon photonics link speeds. According to a dissertation on the topic defended in October by a Leti PhD candidate, the link speeds could reach up to 10 or even 15 Gbps in the coming years with subpicojoule- per-bit power. Specifically, the research focused on rapid […] >>
December 08 2015
Europe blazes its own trail in nanoelectronics
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Neireid, a Horizon 2020 project, kicked off on November 16, 2015, under the watchful eye of Francis Balestra (IMEP-LAHC). The project will establish Europe’s nanoelectronics roadmap to 2025 and beyond. Europe no longer wants to simply follow the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), which is global in scope and whose focus is limited to […] >>
December 08 2015
CEA-Technip project wins global innovation award
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Morphopipe, the fl agship R&D project that came out of a Technip-CEA Tech joint lab set up in 2011, won Technip’s 2015 global innovation award. The project leveraged a Leti technology to develop a live monitoring system for flexible underwater oil and gas pipelines. Ocean swell places substantial stress on pipe sections close to the […] >>
December 08 2015
Nanonet-based sensors could work for medical applications
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FMNT will be coordinating an EU Horizon 2020 project on 3D CMOS integration of nanonet-based sensors for medical applications. The project will kick off in February 2016. Research will focus on using model molecules to evaluate the potential of applications like breath analysis for diabetes monitoring, and circulating tumor DNA detection for cancer monitoring. While […] >>
December 08 2015
Rossignol and the CEA team up to design tomorrow’s skis
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I sère-based ski manufacturer Rossignol will be teaming up with CEA Tech over the next fi ve years on R&D to improve the brand’s current products and come up with new ones. Researchers at Leti and Liten are already working on connected sensors and materials for the manufacturer. This major partnership has already mobilized some […] >>