News :
December 08 2015
Phelma Junior Consultants admitted to national Junior Enterprise network
- Life @ MINATEC
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France’s National Junior Enterprise Foundation (CNJE) recently admitted studentrun non-profi t business Phelma Junior Consultants (Junior Conseil Phelma, or JCP) to its national network after successful completion of a quality audit. Phelma Junior Consultants now has up to fi ve years to complete the process of earning the national Junior Enterprise label, a hallmark of […] >>
December 08 2015
DC-to-DC converters now found on silicon
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The DC-to-DC converters that power electronic circuits can take up nearly a third of a circuit board’s surface area and account for up to half of a circuit’s power consumption. One way to solve the problem is to integrate the converters closer to the circuits they power—in other words, right on the silicon! This ingenious […] >>
December 08 2015
Transistors: GaN enters the spotlight
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Gallium nitride (GaN) is fi nally giving silicon a run for its money for use in power transistors capable of switching hundreds of volts. What has changed? Until now, GaN fabrication processes were simply cost prohibitive. Researchers at Leti are on the verge of overcoming cost concerns with their recent 650 V “normally-on” transistor, fabricated […] >>
December 08 2015
Biological functionalization of PMMA changes scale
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In R&D conducted under the EU ML2 (MultiLayer MicroLab) project, Leti recently transferred a process to Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute that functionalizes long spools (over 100 meters) of PMMA plastic sheets by grafting biological molecules onto the material. Oxygen plasma treatment is used to modify the plastic’s surface, and then contactless printing is used to graft […] >>
December 08 2015
A pressure sensor that knows what fl oor you’re on
- Innovation & Society
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- Research
Leti’s M&NEMS technology just keeps on giving, this time in the form of a pressure sensor that is as accurate as the best available capacitive sensors, and even more powerful in terms of linearity and insensitivity to parasite capacities. The sensor can be coupled with M&NEMS accelerometers, gyrometers, and magnetometers on a single chip that […] >>