News :
October 05 2015
With HAP2U, touch screens get touchable texture
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- News
After going home with the Forum 5i trophy in May, the startup HAP2U, located at CIME-Nanotech and cofounded by Cédrick Chappaz (formerly from STMicroelectronics), is enjoying remarkable success. The company’s multi-patented technology, which gives texture to touch screens, could potentially help fuel e-commerce. The innovation leverages the “air layer” effect, where ultrasound waves create a […] >>
October 05 2015
Close to 60% of Phelma graduates work in energy and ICTs
- Education
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Six months after graduation, 90% of the 2014 Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma graduates who responded to a career placement survey by a French higher-education consortium (Conférence des grandes écoles) reported having found a job. The majority of these engineers work in industry, and—for 50% of them—in R&D. The top industries employing graduates are energy (31%), […] >>
October 05 2015
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) seminar to come to Grenoble
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- Research
Atomic layer deposition, or ALD, will be the central topic at RAFALD, a three-day workshop organized from November 16–18 by several Grenoble-based ALD experts. On the docket: materials, equipment, processes, and simulation—all for an audience of professionals from industry and academia plus students enrolled in engineering programs. 50 to 100 attendees are expected. ALD is […] >>
October 05 2015
FDSOI design: Promising start for Silicon Impulse
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- Research
Where can you design, prototype, and actually manufacture small runs of FDSOI circuits? Only at Leti’s Silicon Impulse design center! Whether you want to test a technology or scale it up for manufacturing, the center has everything you need. Founded in March 2015, Silicon Impulse has already drawn attention from numerous manufacturers and academic laboratories […] >>
October 05 2015
Interview: Alain Briand, head of business creation support
- Industry
- Innovation & Society
- Interviews
- News
“€96 million in eighteen months for CEA Grenoble’s startups” Is this an exceptional era for startups based in Grenoble? Sixteen startups from our research environment raised the record sum of €96 million from some 40 investors in just eighteen months. Aledia raised over €28 million, in addition to the €19 million raised by Crocus Technologies, […] >>