News :
June 01 2015
Field gradient NMR to examine vegetable oils
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- Research
Researchers at INAC are investigating a novel use of field gradient NMR: the in vivo study of the lipid vesicles of vegetable oils like sunflower, canola, and linseed. These micrometric vesicles are of particular interest to biologists and varietal selection experts, who currently use electron microscopy—which requires tedious, time-consuming sample preparation. In the research, field […] >>
June 01 2015
Datacom-dedicated optical multiplexer achieves record stability
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- Research
Leti researchers teamed up with two manufacturers to produce an optical multiplexer for datacoms (links from 1 meter up to 10 km) as reliable as its current competitors. This in itself is a great achievement. Even more impressive, however, is that the researchers actually improved reproducibility for each batch of wafers. The research, which leveraged […] >>
June 01 2015
Photovoltaics: the sensitized p-type cell takes off
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- Research
Until now, the only photovoltaic cell with an inorganic p-type absorber tapped out at 0.1% conversion efficiency. Researchers from INAC recently broke this record, reaching yields of 1.25% with a prototype developed under a French National Research Agency-funded project. The cell uses a new pair of materials (quantum copper-indium-sulfur dots and nickel oxide) and perfects […] >>
June 01 2015
Non-destructive testing gains strength thanks to TMR
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- Research
TMR (tunnel magnetoresistance) sensors promise greater sensitivity to probe for hidden defects and higher spatial resolution to pick up even the most minute defects. The technology is a product of the EU-backed project Imagic, in which Leti participated. The sensors will end up in in Eddy current NDT equipment used to inspect metal parts. The […] >>
June 01 2015
Supercapicitor power unsheathed
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- Research
Researchers at INAC used a plasma growth technique to produce sheaths of graphene perpendicular to the electrode of a supercapacitor. These sheaths, just nanometers thick, are used to build a layer of graphene that is several microns high, which is deposited on a silicon substrate—a geometry that makes it easier for the ions in the […] >>