News :

April 02 2015

Interview: “Standards will help us position our technologies”

  • Innovation & Society
  • Interviews
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Dominique Noguet, Head of Communication and Security Technology, Leti, an institute of the CEA “Standards will help us position our technologies” Leti has been working on a standard for cognitive radio since 2011. Why? We developed a cognitive radio technology that leverages TV white space. In other words, it takes advantage of UHF bands allocated […] >>

April 02 2015

B41 gets new-generation roof

  • Life @ MINATEC
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Building 41’s 5,000 sq. m of roofing was totally replaced over the course of last year. The rainy summer didn’t delay the huge job and, for B41’s cleanrooms just below, it was business as usual. The former 25-year-old rockwool and asphalt roofing is now just a memory. The new roof boasts a new-generation material similar […] >>

April 02 2015

Inno’Cup Junior showcases teen inventors’ bright ideas

  • Education
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The final round of the Inno’Cup Junior challenge will be held at MINATEC on July 8 and 9. This national competition* is the latest incarnation of the Franco-American Young Innovators Award. It targets a broad audience—anyone between the ages of 15 and 18 with a new idea can take part. Plus, participants don’t need any […] >>

April 02 2015

FEI extends joint lab for three more years

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  • Research
FEI, a US-based manufacturer of scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and transmission electron microscopes (TEM) has decided to extend its joint lab with the Nanocharacterization Platform (PFNC). The joint lab was set up in 2010 to conduct research in two fields: fine tuning precession electron nanodiffraction to measure deformation at the nanometric scale with applications for […] >>

April 02 2015

CEA Europe’s top patent filer among public research organizations

  • Industry
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The CEA, with 558 patent applications published, has held on to the position of number one among public research organizations in the European Patent Office’s 2014 rankings. The CEA also did well in the overall rankings, moving up a slot from the previous year to 32nd. The CEA is France’s third-leading patent filer, just behind […] >>
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