News :

April 02 2015

When sol-gel films present inhomogeneities

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Thin films formed by sol-gel synthesis are not, in fact, homogeneous! Researchers at Liten’s INAC made the discovery observing an InGaZnO thin film at the ESRF, where x-ray microscopy and grazing-incidence small-angle scattering revealed the formation of mesopores and self-assembled nanometric aggregates rich in zinc and gallium. Indium oxide played the role of matrix. Now […] >>

April 02 2015

Photonics-on-silicon for telecoms switching systems

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Photonics-on-silicon components could dramatically reduce the form factor of the data switches used in telecommunications switching centers. Leti and the other partners in the Celtic-Plus SASER (Safe and Secure European Routing) project, which will run until the end of 2015, are looking at how. The project consortium presented a demonstrator made up of two 16-wavelength […] >>

April 02 2015

Clinatec aims to make diagnosing cardiac arrhythmia and epilepsy easier

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Could magnetocardiography (MCG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) one day be available to the masses? Clinatec is currently running a clinical trial to find the answer. The trial, named Minimag, will test the signal-recording capacities of an optically-pumped helium-4 magnetometer, originally designed for the Swarm space mission, on sixteen volunteer subjects. MCG and MEG would be extremely […] >>

April 02 2015

New magnetic tunnel junctions get encouraging results

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Flip-flops are data storage elements used in integrated circuits. And while flip-flops are good, non-volatile flip-flops are even better! The latest generation of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), known as spin-orbit torque (SOT) MTJs, could be the key, delivering crucial speed, energy efficiency, and robustness. Researchers at Spintec created a model of the SOT-MTJs for the […] >>

April 02 2015

Gaia compute node could help keep servers cool

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Leti joined forces with STMicroelectronics to develop the Gaia compute node, which could help reduce the energy consumption of powerful calculation servers without affecting their performance. The circuit leverages technologies like FDSOI substrates and ARM 64-bit architecture originally developed for embedded systems. The node’s energy efficiency has been evaluated at 7.5 gigaflops per watt—that’s four […] >>
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