News :

February 02 2015

Phelma makes the cover of l’Étudiant magazine

  • Education
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Phelma students rushed to newsstands to pick up the December 2014-January 2015 issue of l’Étudiant magazine. Why the interest? Four of their very own were featured (relaxed and smiling!) on the cover—and for good reason. Phelma placed high in the magazine’s 2015 engineering-school rankings. The ranking analyzed France’s 165 nationally-accredited engineering schools, sharing the sixth […] >>

February 02 2015

Joint R&D lab to work on parallel-wired battery pack

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Bordeaux-based EVTronic recently formed three-year, €1.5-million a joint R&D lab with CEA-Leti. The lab’s first objective is to develop a 30 kW parallel-wired battery pack demonstrator by the end of 2015. The battery pack would be hooked up to the grid and would provide additional electricity during peak electricity demand. The joint lab is leveraging […] >>

February 02 2015

PCR could soon be used in hospital emergency rooms

  • Innovation & Society
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Hospitals currently perform their PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analyses at their central labs. It will soon be possible to complete the analyses right in hospital units like the emergency room. Researchers from CEA-Leti and Dr. Didier Raoult’s team at IHU Méditerranée Infection in Marseille have joined forces to tackle the problem. The researchers from CEA-Leti […] >>

February 02 2015

Two-photon microscopy generates 3D images of living tissue

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The National Intravital Platform, part of France Life Imaging, a research institute tasked with setting up a coordinated national medical imaging network, has moved from the Institut des Neurosciences to Clinatec. The platform’s most advanced imaging technique, two-photon microscopy, will effectively take Clinatec’s medical imaging capabilities to the next level. How does it work? A […] >>

February 02 2015

Compact-antenna directivity gets a boost

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An antenna’s directivity indicates how well its radiation pattern can be directed in space. Directivity that exceeds theoretical limits is called super-directivity. CEA-Leti researchers recently experimented with super-directivity, using miniature antennas. And the performance they obtained was impressive! The researchers placed several elements—coupled and charged with complex impedances—in the immediate vicinity of a radiating source. […] >>
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