News :

November 30 2014

Nanocharacterization Platform gets micro Raman equipment

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The Nanocharacterization Platform (PFNC) now has two micro Raman instruments for measuring the chemical, mechanical, structural, and electronic properties of thin-layer materials. The measurements, down to the nanometric scale, can be taken with or without prior sample preparation, either locally or by 2D or 3D mapping. The wavelengths available range from near UV to near […] >>

November 30 2014

Hyperlight, the latest artist-in-residence project at Atelier Arts-Sciences

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Artist and engineer Thomas Pachoud unveiled his first-ever work using the Hyperlight system—the focus of Pachoud’s artistic residency at the Atelier Arts-Sciences—at the Experimenta fair held at Maison MINATEC, to music created by composer David Guerra. The 30-year-old Pachoud uses an innovative modular holography system he developed himself to transform light into living performances. He […] >>

November 30 2014

300 mm cleanroom to get new equipment in 2015

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The 41.02 building’s cleanroom, which inaugurated a third extension this summer dedicated to 300 mm microelectronics activities, now offers some 2,200 sq. m of research space. The new 500 sq. m space will house new microelectronics fabrication resources such as deposition and thin-layer etching equipment. CEA-Leti, which is managing the procurement process, hopes to begin […] >>

November 30 2014

Julien Claudon receives CNRS Bronze Medal for his nanophotonics research

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Julien Claudon, a research scientist at INAC, won the 2014 CNRS Bronze Medal for his nanophotonics research. Claudon studies controlling the interaction between light and matter within nanostructures. The optical antennae Claudon developed under a joint research project involving INAC, the Institut d’Optique, and the Technical University of Denmark have already been proven effective at […] >>

November 30 2014

Layer-by-Layer Films for Biomedical Applications from A to Z

  • Innovation & Society
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Catherine Picart of LMGP has co-edited Layer-by-Layer Films for Biomedical Applications, published by Wiley. The 530-page multi-authored volume is intended for graduate and post-graduate students, research scientists, and industrial R&D engineers. Picart, an expert in the subject, worked with co-editors Jean-Claude Voegel of Inserm and Frank Caruso of the University of Melbourne, Australia to compile […] >>
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