News :

October 06 2014

Interview Florian Pebay-Peyroula: We have to do more to fight against counterfeit circuits

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Florian Pebay-Peyroula, head of Leti’s Communicating Objects and Systems Security Lab: « “We have to do more to fight against counterfeit circuits” » Leti was involved in the ENIAC TOISE (Trusted Computing for European Embedded Systems) project, which was completed in April 2014. What was the outcome? The project involved seventeen partners from industry and […] >>

October 06 2014

Nano@school offers high-schoolers two new workshops

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This year, Nano@school, which gives high-school students an introduction to nanoscience research, is offering seven workshops—including two that are totally new. The Sensors and Microsystems workshop will be held at the CIME Nanotech lab of the same name. Students will be exposed to the sensor and measurement chain concepts covered in the high-school science and […] >>

October 06 2014

MINATEC celebrates LNT’s tenth anniversary in Ho Chi Minh City

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MINATEC Director Jean-Charles Guibert was part of a delegation that travelled from Grenoble to Ho Chi Minh City to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Laboratory for NanoTechnology on September 19. The lab, located on the Vietnam National University campus, is emblematic of MINATEC’s long-term commitment to the LNT—since 2004 MINATEC has donated equipment, run […] >>

October 06 2014

MINATEC projects win big in 2014 start-up contest

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What do fabless semiconductors, gallium-nitride-on-silicon power transistors, electrostimulation patches to treat pain, and a motion-powered energy generator have in common? All four are MINATEC R&D projects that won awards in July (along with three other non-MINATEC projects) in France’s 16th national tech start-up contest, now called “I-Lab.” A total of five Grenoble-grown projects (eVaderis, Exagan, […] >>

October 06 2014

MINA-NEWS contest winner test drives Toyota Coms for a week

  • Life @ MINATEC
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Marjolaine Allain was the first MINA-NEWS reader to spot the two “April fool’s” articles hidden in the newsletter’s April issue. Her sharp eye won her a week’s use of one of the CEA’s 30 electric vehicles. And the prize was greatly appreciated since Marjolaine ferries boxes of wafers back and forth between the 40-17 and […] >>
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