News :
June 06 2016
Lithography: non-chemically-amplified resin validated
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In the coming years, non-chemically-amplified resins could be used in 300 mm lithography processes to create circuit patterns with more accurate control of dimensions and lower edge roughness. The members of the industrial R&D project Imagine, which include Leti, recently validated the process on industrial-grade equipment for the first time ever. A preliminary evaluation of […] >>
June 06 2016
Leti and Liten join forces on additive technologies
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Researchers at Leti are convinced that additive technologies are a plus for silicon! And research carried out with Liten proves that they are right. Additive technologies can be used for very thick (100 microns and more) layers and for large-surface systems at lower cost than silicon processes. The researchers have already produced a radio-frequency inductor […] >>
June 06 2016
Characterizing 2D materials could soon get easier
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Rapidly assessing the technological potential of 2D materials requires—for certain crucial measurements—a synchrotron beamline. Researchers on the CEA Cascade* project decided to find a workaround that would eliminate the need for difficult-to-access synchrotron resources. They combined two analysis methods available at the Nanocharacterization Platform: micro-photoluminescence and photoemission microscopy in reciprocal space. The results on measurements […] >>
June 06 2016
Nanoresonators: the plot thickens amid new insights
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A team of researchers from Leti along with three of Leti’s international partners* have finally shed new light on the discrepancy of up to two orders of magnitude between the theoretical detection limits of nanoresonators and the resonators’ actual performance. Until now, it was believed that the tiniest mass or force that could be detected […] >>
April 01 2016
Blueberries could soon juice up smartphones
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- Life @ MINATEC
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In a project for the Nano@school program, seven Grenoble high-schoolers made solar cells from fruits and vegetables. CEA-INAC Ph.D. candidate Cyril Aumaître supervised the project, in which students extracted colorants from fruit and vegetable juices (spinach, blueberries, etc.) to make Grätzel cells, then characterize and model the cells before comparing their performance. And the outcomes […] >>