News :

October 06 2014

Speech-recognition on your tablet now possible

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Leti recently helped create a demonstrator for a local, on-the-fly speech processing system using a multicore platform similar to those used in today’s tablets. The demonstrator has a 5,000-word vocabulary and can decode speech at speeds that set a new record for embedded applications. Currently, the majority of speech recognition systems use remote servers, which […] >>

October 06 2014

Quantum dot meets nanowire in a promising encounter

  • Life @ MINATEC
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A team of researchers from INAC and Institut Néel have created a hybrid system that consists of a nano-sized quantum dot embedded in a gallium arsenide nanowire. When the wire vibrates, the quantum dot repeatedly stretches and compresses, changing its energy levels and consequently the color of the photons emitted. The coupling was achieved by […] >>

October 06 2014

A universal test bench for visible CMOS imagers

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Visible CMOS imagers can now be subjected to a complete battery of tests—for sensitivity, dynamics, dark current, noise, conversion factor, quantum yield, linearity, resolution, and remanence—on a new test bench developed by scientists at Leti. The new test bench, which also displays the generated images in real time, will round out the current electrical testing […] >>

October 06 2014

Gallium nitride nanowires could have bright future in LEDs

  • Life @ MINATEC
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Researchers from INAC and ESRF have teamed up with peers in Madrid to study the correlation between the chemical composition of a gallium nitride (GaN) nanowire and the temporal resolution of the wire’s optical response. To do so, they used new synchrotron instrumentation for fluorescence, diffraction, and photoluminescence. The new equipment offers spatial resolution of […] >>

October 06 2014

A human-body model for electromagnetic wave propagation

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Leti has developed an electromagnetic-wave propagation model to help improve the performance of BANs (Body Area Networks). The human body blocks electromagnetic waves and can have a considerable impact on wave behavior. The research involved taking several series of measurements at around 2.45 GHz. The experimental data were used to create a model that takes […] >>
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