News :

October 06 2014

Graphene gets superconducting capabilities

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Researchers from INAC, Institut Néel, and SIMAP recently figured out a way to observe the proximity effect in graphene—a phenomenon that occurs when a normally non-superconducting material is placed in contact with a superconducting material—under optimal conditions. To do so, they created a system in which the graphene remains totally free from atomic defects. Their […] >>

October 06 2014

Fluorescence imaging guides prostate biopsies

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Prostate biopsies, which are performed if a cancerous tumor is suspected, could become more accurate and reliable thanks to a new fluorescence imaging technique. Leti researchers partnered with academic scientists and an SME to develop a new fluorescent marker coupled with a combined optical-ultrasound probe. The system renders any tumors visible for priority sampling during […] >>

October 06 2014

Start-up EnerBee: awards help finance growth strategy

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Grenoble-based EnerBee, founded in early 2014, has won three awards over the past few months: a national prize for innovative start-ups, a global innovation award, and a connected objects award. The prize money supplements funds from investors and private-sector backers, giving EnerBee a total of €1 million to pursue plans to launch a pilot production […] >>

June 02 2014

CEA Grenoble publications to be signed “Grenoble Alps University”

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Grenoble’s higher education and research community has adopted a common signature, “Grenoble Alps University” for all publications. CEA Grenoble is aligning with its partners by adopting the signature; however, the CEA will remain consistent with its unique status, mission, and business model. In short, any publication authored by a CEA Grenoble researcher must list Grenoble […] >>

June 02 2014

New Grenoble Institute of Technology websites go live

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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Grenoble Institute of Technology and its six schools now have brand-new websites. The sites, which have gradually been going live since April, leverage the same navigation menus and graphics guidelines for consistency across the entire institution. The screen width has been increased from 400 pixels to 700 pixels and the font size has been amped […] >>
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