News :

April 01 2014

GIANT will now organize MINATEC Summer Program

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This year, the GIANT International Internship Program will take over where the former MINATEC Summer Program, founded in 2011, left off. A total of 20 students, mostly from the University of Pennsylvania, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Louisiana State University, but also from the University of Tsukuba, Chiba University, and Keio University in Japan, […] >>

April 01 2014

Algeria’s Constantine University creates nanotech center with help from MINATEC

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The MINATEC Nanolab consortium was selected by the Ecole Polytechnique Nationale de Constantine (Algeria) to provide technical support for the school’s 500 sq. m, $6 to $7 million nanotechnology center. The consortium, made up of CIME Nanotech, 40-30, and the CEA, will consult on the project development stage, draw up the project specifications, select suppliers […] >>

April 01 2014

Phelma teaches prep program faculty electrochemistry basics

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On May 5, 6, and 7 Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school will hold an electrochemistry course for faculty teaching physics and chemistry in the national prep program. The course will give faculty a chance to discover—or refresh their knowledge of—electrochemistry basics and industrial applications like energy storage, anti-corrosion treatments, and electrosynthesis, which play […] >>

April 01 2014

Four medical imaging techniques now available via online simulator

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The Virtual Imaging Platform, created in 2012 as part of a project funded by the French National Research Agency and managed by INSA Lyon, is becoming increasingly popular. In 2013 alone, the number of users registered grew from 230 to 545, and users from 53 countries consumed a total of 627 years of computing time […] >>

April 01 2014

Leti signs new sporting-goods partnership

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Leti, which already works with Oxylane on the brand’s Nabaiji MP3 player for swimmers and Babolat on an instrumented tennis racket, is now joining forces with a running-shoe manufacturer to develop instrumentation for an ultra-thin insole. The product will leverage a series of sensors to give runners data like whether they are pronating or supinating, […] >>
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