News :

April 01 2014

Green chemistry specialist BT3 Technologies moves to BHT

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BT3 Technologies, a spinoff of the CNRS and CTP, a center for paper engineering, moved to the BHT in January. The company holds seven international patents for green chemistry processes that make corrugated cardboard and other papers resistant to water, fats, and gases. The innovative processes hinge on “chromatografting,” a BT3 technology for printing microdroplets […] >>

April 01 2014

Jean-Michel Fournier, head of the integrated systems design apprenticeship program at Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma

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Jean-Michel Fournier, head of the integrated systems design apprenticeship program at Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma “It took our apprentices about a semester to get their bearings”   What does the first incoming class in the integrated systems design apprenticeship program look like? The class has ten students, nine male and one female. All have a […] >>

April 01 2014

Introducing the new, improved Maison MINATEC

  • Innovation & Society
  • Life @ MINATEC
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The year 2013 saw some major renovation work at Maison MINATEC. The improvements include automatic doors to improve handicapped accessibility, digital signage at the entrance to the main corridor and in front of each conference room to better steer visitors to their destinations during events, and new lighting and projection equipment in the auditorium for […] >>

April 01 2014

Midi-MINATEC brown-bag lunch seriesnow recruiting sandwich team

  • Life @ MINATEC
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Starting on April 11, the complimentary sandwiches offered to attendees of the Midi-MINATEC brown-bag lunch talks will be made by a volunteer “sandwich team.” The idea is to help break the ice and make the event even friendlier and more welcoming by getting as many people as possible to participate. To sign up for the […] >>

April 01 2014

Construction starts on Phelma 2

  • Education
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  • Life @ MINATEC
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In mid-February French Minister for Higher Education and Research Geneviève Fioraso broke ground on the Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma expansion slated for delivery in mid-2015. The campus expansion project includes a seven-story building—with classrooms, labs, a student lounge, and a tech transfer center for second-year student projects—and a 500-seat auditorium with enough room for an […] >>
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