News :

February 03 2014

Book translation strengthens ties with Latin America

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For the past several years, the Franco-Peruvian organization Puya de Raimondi (headed by a CEA scientist) and the NanoAndes network have been fostering research ties between France and Latin America. This transatlantic collaboration recently marked a new milestone with the publication in Mexico of Física de semiconductores y componentes electrónicos—the Spanish translation of a book […] >>

February 03 2014

A breakthrough RFID tag compatible with metal objects

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Leti—working on a project for Montpellier-based start-up Oridao—has developed a miniature RFID tag for all kinds of metal objects, from those no bigger than a centimeter to those the size of a filing cabinet. Metal objects drastically diminish the effectiveness and bandwidth of the tiny antennas in RFID tags. Leti engineers came up with a […] >>

February 03 2014

Interview: Feriel Mélaine – Ph.D. candidate, Nanobioscience, INAC-SPrAM

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Feriel Mélaine – Ph.D. candidate, Nanobioscience, INAC-SPrAM Editor of student newspaper Chercheurs d’horizons for the 2012–2013 school year Ph.D. students produce their own newspaper   Your student newspaper Chercheurs d’horizons is written entirely by Grenoble University Ph.D. students. Can you tell us more about it? The newspaper was launched in 2010–2011 following a workshop given […] >>

February 03 2014

Renovation: 300 mm clean room to get 500 m2 of new space

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The old 200 mm clean room in the 41.02 Building (near the H3 cafeteria) is getting a €5.3 million makeover. The space will be renovated and expanded to create a new 300 mm clean room spanning 500 m2. Twenty high-tech machines were moved out of the building this summer and the old 200 mm clean […] >>

February 03 2014

MINATEC construction projects right on track

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The many construction projects underway at MINATEC are all advancing according to plan. The second floor of the Skills Center Building is set to be completed by end-2015, and will accommodate over 500 Leti and CNRS researchers. The additional floors being added to the B2I building will be ready in May to house Leti’s bridging […] >>
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