News :

February 03 2014

CIME Nanotech gets new lithography machine

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CIME Nanotech recently acquired a new lithography machine that performs two innovative processes. The first, nano-printing with control of the pressing and separation stage via an actuator matrix, reduces the number of defects compared to manual pressing and separation. The second process enables resin-free lithography using plasma situated between the substrate and mask, making it […] >>

February 03 2014

INAC: Yves Samson succeeds Engin Molva

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Yves Samson was appointed Director of INAC, the Institute for Nanoscience and Cryogenics. He succeeds Engin Molva, who will replace Samson as head of the institute’s cross-disciplinary nanoscience program. Mr. Samson is a member of Science Europe’s Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences Committee and the French National Research Agency’s Scientific Steering Committee for the Information […] >>

February 03 2014

Chile’s APEX telescope gets new bolometers

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Leti is gearing up to deliver sixteen bolometer matrices with wavelengths of 200, 350, and 450 microns for the APEX telescope in Chile. The telescope, located at 5,100 meters above sea level on the Chajnantor plateau, already boasts four 350-micron matrices delivered by Leti in June 2013. The bolometers serve as the eyes of the […] >>

February 03 2014

CEA researcher appointed head of French Optics Society (SFO)

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CEA-Leti researcher Jean-Jacques Aubert was appointed President of the French Optics Society (Société française d’optique, or SFO) in September 2013. This learned society brings together optics and photonics researchers and other professionals from across France. The appointment is a first for the CEA, which is very active in the organization. The SFO’s mission is to […] >>

February 03 2014

CEA: Tony Prézeau new strategic marketing head

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In January Tony Prézeau was appointed head of the Strategic Marketing Department of the CEA Technology Transfer Division. A graduate of France’s Ecole Centrale engineering school, Mr. Prézeau, 39 years old, brings an impressive track record in industry. He spent three years with ArcelorMittal in Dunkerque and more than twelve years at Winoa (formerly Wheelabrator […] >>
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