News :

December 02 2013

EMI testing in B2I’s anechoic chamber

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The anechoic chamber in MINATEC’s Integrative Industries Building (B2I) wasn’t designed for electromagnetic interference (EMI) testing—but it turns out to be a perfect fit. Researchers have successfully performed EMI tests in the chamber to analyze and help certify electronic devices made by Grenoble-based start-ups. Because the chamber is shielded against electromagnetic fields and prevents them […] >>

December 02 2013

MINATEC TV goes interactive

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MINATEC TV’s Channel 2, “Live from Our Labs,” already boasts 12 videos—and more are on the way next year. The big star of Season 2 will be interactive interfaces that let users learn more in just a few clicks. The first “clickable” film will be on lens-free imaging, a technology currently being studied by researchers […] >>

December 02 2013

How to get Horizon 2020 funding for ICT research

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On December 10, Minalogic and Grenoble Institute of Technology will give a training session on how to apply for funding for collaborative projects under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The session will target information and communication technology (ICT), with the goal of helping researchers and entrepreneurs take advantage of this […] >>

December 02 2013

IP heavyweights Avenium Consulting and Questel to merge

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Avenium Consulting is a CEA Investissement subsidiary that provides intellectual property (IP) consulting services. Questel is a global leader in online IP services. On October 11 these two IP giants announced they will merge, creating an industry-leading firm that covers the entire IP value chain, from capturing ideas to transferring them to industry. The merged […] >>

December 02 2013

Three don’t-miss Midi MINATECs lined up

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MINATEC Director Jean-Charles Guibert will speak at the Midi MINATEC brown-bag lunch on December 13, as a special guest to mark the 199th edition. He will talk about the innovation campus’ development—and provide a benchmark of the campus’ competitors—over the past few years. Then on December 20, Yves Bréchet, High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, Material […] >>
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