News :

December 02 2013

MRI contrast agents now twelve times more effective

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A team of INAC-Liten researchers has developed MRI contrast agents that are twelve times more effective than those currently on the market. They used a novel method for encapsulating the active ingredient, gadolinium, which enhances MRI contrast—but is toxic. Gadolinium is usually encapsulated in organic ligands when used in MRI tests to keep it from […] >>

December 02 2013

Upstream Technology Platform makes suspended graphene components

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Despite its two-dimensional structure, graphene does not readily lend itself to the fabrication of MEMS and NEMS components using conventional microelectronics methods. A Ph.D. student at IMEP-LAHC decided to tackle the problem by making suspended graphene bridges with controlled dimensions and electrical contacts using processes that can be transferred to large surfaces. She achieved this […] >>

December 02 2013

Seeing nanocomponents in a new light

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The PFNC can now characterize the chemistry and morphology of nanoelectronic systems to within 2 nm spatial resolution. A team of researchers from Leti, CNRS, and STMicroelectronics has proven the effectiveness of this new characterization technique on a 45-nm transistor. The researchers combined electron microscopy and atom probe tomography to generate images that turned out […] >>

December 02 2013

The world’s smallest memory is Made in Grenoble

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Leti researchers have built a 16-nm charge-storage memory—the smallest ever cited in the literature. Until now, the most advanced memory systems measured 40 nm. Even better, the tiny new memory has already been demonstrated to work, offering the necessary temperature and cycling stability, not to mention low power consumption. The memory could be used for […] >>

December 02 2013

Telephony: an antenna that follows you from network to network

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Cell phone antennas are now so tiny that they can no longer adapt to different networks’ frequency bands, seriously impairing data transmission and call quality. Leti is working on a smart miniature antenna capable of adapting its impedance all on its own. The antenna already covers GSM, DCS, UMTS, Wi-Fi, and LTE; low 4G frequencies […] >>
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