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December 02 2013

Jean-Luc Vallejo, ISKN* (iSketchnotemaker): “Crowdfunding put us six to twelve months ahead of schedule.”

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You raised $346,000, nearly ten times your original goal. Did that surprise you? It did! We set out to raise $35,000, hoping to maybe reach $100,000. But interest in the project was clear virtually from the beginning. We reached our goal of $35,000 in the first fourteen hours of the month-long campaign! Looking back, I […] >>

October 06 2013

Smart-card security: Leti’s CESTI earns EAL7 accreditation

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Leti’s CESTI (center for IT security evaluation) recently earned Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 7 accreditation. The center, which is active in France’s certification systems, can now evaluate the security of all smart-card-type products with the highest international Common Criteria requirements. The EAL7 accreditation requires the center to perform a formal design analysis on product security […] >>

October 06 2013

Learn more about advanced characterization

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A conference entitled “Advanced Characterization Techniques: Opportunities for Industry” will be held on November 14 at ILL as part of IRT Nanoelec programming. The conference is open to both researchers and students, but will mainly target professionals from the world of industry seeking to learn more about materials characterization and what Grenoble’s characterization resources—from labs […] >>

October 06 2013

Start-up incubation thriving at MINATEC

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The economic crisis appears to have spared MINATEC, where an impressive seven start-ups are currently in the incubation phase: Akrivis France (Lipidots), Hexagan (materials for power components), Infuz (data fusion), NatchIT (digitization of handwritten notes), Genel (functional genomics), OLED4Life (OLED lighting), and Enerbee (energy harvesting). The majority of these projects are spearheaded by local researchers, […] >>

October 06 2013

Professor Alim-Louis Benabid earns recognition for Parkinson’s research

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Alim-Louis Benabid, MD, PhD, and Chairman of Clinatec, recently won an award from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for leadership in Parkinson’s research for his pioneering work on deep brain stimulation (DBS). The technique involves inserting electrodes into the patient’s brain to send an electrical pulse that eliminates neurological symptoms of the disease. More than […] >>
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