News :

October 06 2013

GIANT opens its doors during 2013 Science Week

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For the first time ever, the GIANT innovation campus will open its doors during France’s national science week. On Saturday, October 12, visitors will be able to experience a “science pathway” with several circuits: the Science Fair pathway, as well as “Celebrating Physics” (CNRS), “The Science of the Infinite x 2” (LPSC), and “Exploring Matter” […] >>

October 06 2013

Grenoble-based iSketchnote turns to crowdfunding to raise capital

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ISKN, a Leti start-up currently in the incubation phase, has decided to use the crowdfunding site to raise capital for its iSketchnote project—the first-ever Grenoble-based start-up to use crowdfunding to obtain financing. Potential investors have until October 9, and the minimum investment is $1. And, participants who invest a minimum of $30 will receive […] >>

October 06 2013

STMicroelectronics and Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma strengthen partnership

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On July 4 Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma and STMicroelectronics signed an agreement that will bolster their research and education partnership. Students will now have access to various STMicroelectronics application cards and components for their lab classes, and STMicroelectronics employees will give guest lectures to round out students’ core courses. Currently, more than a hundred students […] >>

October 06 2013

Interview: Philippe Michallon, Head of SPICE

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Philippe Michallon, Head of SPICE * « We want to leverage our showroom  to better promote our technologies »   You have several initiatives underway for your showroom. What are their key aims? Between 5,000 and 6,000 people visit our showroom every year, 90% of them from outside the CEA. It’s been a huge success […] >>

October 06 2013

Winners, pack your bags!

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In late October, the three Grenoble area high-school students who won the first French-American Young Innovators Award will head off for a week in California for a program that includes a tour of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. The Award was set up by the U.S. Consulate in Lyon to reward talented local high-school […] >>
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