News :

October 06 2013

Gold nanoparticles help fight brain tumors

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Imagine eradicating brain tumors by injecting them with gold nanoparticles and activating the particles with synchrotron radiation. That’s the groundbreaking new approach being developed at ESRF by researchers from INAC and INSERM. They successfully tested the new procedure on rodents, improving survival rates significantly compared with a control group treated with radiation alone. Because the […] >>

October 06 2013

Non-destructive surface testing goes 50 nm deep

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In a world first, a team of French and Danish researchers from Leti and STMicroelectronics successfully performed non-destructive testing on a CMOS stack layer embedded at a depth of more than 50 nm, locating it to within 10% accuracy. The team, working at ESRF, used X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy—a method until now used exclusively for extreme […] >>

June 10 2013

Grenoble Institute of Technology neck-and-neck with Polytechnique

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Grenoble Institute of Technology came in second place in the latest ranking of France’s 100 top engineering schools, just behind rival Polytechnique. In terms of R&D, Grenoble Institute of Technology jumped from seventh place in 2012 to first place this year. The ranking is put together every year by L’Usine Nouvelle magazine. In 2013 the […] >>

June 10 2013

CEA, France’s second-largest patent filer in 2012

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France’s National Intellectual Property Institute (INPI) issued a list in April of France’s busiest patent fi lers in 2012. The CEA edged up to second place with 566 patent applications, up from 545 in 2011. This puts it just ahead of Safran with 556 applications and well behind leader PSA Peugeot Citroën with 1,348 applications. […] >>

June 10 2013

Aledia powers ahead at light(n)ing speed

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Aledia, a start-up spun off from Leti, has just crossed two important milestones. First, it has finished making its first series of LEDs on 200 mm silicon wafers—a breakthrough process that cuts LED production costs by a factor of four relative to conventional methods. And second, the young firm has raised €10 million of fresh […] >>
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