News :

June 10 2013

MEIS looks at nanowire constraints

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MEIS, or medium-energy ion scattering, off ers very-high-resolution chemical and structural surface analysis capabilities. The technique works by analyzing the energy and angle of backscattered ions, and is frequently used for fl at layers. A team of researchers from INAC and Leti recently came up with an innovation when they used MEIS to study the […] >>

June 10 2013

Leti Innovation Days brings together businesses and researchers

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Leti’s annual gathering will be held at MINATEC on June 25–28—with one big novelty: this will be the first year of the new format, beefed up considerably relative to the Leti Annual Review. This first edition of the Leti Innovation Days will include a full program of talks and workshops on technical topics. The central […] >>

June 10 2013

Leti sets the stage for 14 nm FDSOI

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The first 14 nm microelectronic circuits won’t be produced on a large scale until 2015 or 2016—but now is when engineers need to decide which technologies they want to use. That’s why Leti has just put together a 14 nm design kit for one of its flagship technologies: fully-depleted silicon on insulator (FDSOI). The kit […] >>

June 10 2013

MINATEC gets €150 million worth of new buildings

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With €150 million of building construction projects planned or underway, MINATEC is undergoing a major expansion—its biggest leap forward since it was established in 2002. The Nanobio2 building (1,400 m2 of useable space) will be inaugurated in just a few weeks. Construction has begun on the Phelma II building (8,500 m2 of gross floor area) […] >>

June 10 2013

CEA’s market research department turns 20

  • Life @ MINATEC
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The CEA’s market research department will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a special conference on July 5, 2013. The event will kick off with a Midi MINATEC brown bag lunch on the revival of innovation marketing, facilitated by Marc Giguet, President of Institut Européen de Stratégies Créatives. This will be followed by a retrospective and […] >>
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