News :

February 04 2013

Grenoble Institute of Technology moves up in rankings

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The 2013 L’Etudiant-L’Express engineering school rankings were published in mid-December 2012. Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma moved up four slots from the previous year. Ranked 17th out of around 100 schools, Phelma tied with the Ecole des Mines in Nancy and another Grenoble Institute of Technology school, Ensimag. Even though the rankings were tight, the school’s […] >>

February 04 2013

Spintec reinvents the electronic compass

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Spintec has just completed the first prototype of its patented integrated 3D compass. This innovation stands to overturn the existing technology, which uses costly and difficult-to-assemble discrete components. Spintec’s prototype uses a pyramid-shaped chip containing four magnetoresistive sensors, one on each side of the pyramid, to obtain the three components required for the local magnetic […] >>

February 04 2013

PhD students, save the date: 2013 Junior Scientist and Industry Annual Meeting

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The 5th Junior Scientist and Industry Annual Meeting (JSIAM) for GIANT PhD and post-doc students will be held at Maison MINATEC on April 5, 2013. The purpose of the event, which is expected to bring in around 40 industry representatives, is to maximize students’ contact with the business world. The morning will be devoted to […] >>

February 04 2013

Femtocell base stations could require 20% to 40% less energy

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Leti recently cut the energy requirement of a femtocell base station’s radiofrequency transmission head by 20% to 40%, for a power output of more than 30 dBm. The EU project behind this development was carried out in association with Telecom Italia, Alcatel-Lucent, and Ericsson. The use of a dual-input antenna with excellent isolation properties plus […] >>

February 04 2013

Solar Decathlon award-winning prototype to come to MINATEC

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The team that represented the Rhône-Alpes region in the Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 competition will soon present its Canopea® solar home prototype at MINATEC. The prototype won the international energy-independent solar home competition for the Rhône-Alpes team last year. The prototype will be set up in April in front of MINATEC and will remain there […] >>
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