News :

December 03 2018

Phelma tenth anniversary celebrations to draw to a close

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On December 20, Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school will end its tenth anniversary celebrations on a high note. Some 200 Phelma students, alumni, faculty, partners, and neighbors (labs, technology platforms, MINATEC, CEA, CNRS, GIANT) will gather at the Grenoble Institute of Technology auditorium. Pierre Benech (Grenoble Institute of Technology Administrative Dean and former […] >>

December 03 2018

INAC PhD candidate wins For Women in Science award

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On October 8, Farsane Tabataba-Vakili was one of 30 women scientists in France to win a L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science award. Ms. Tabataba-Vakili earned recognition for her research in optoelectronics, which aims to improve micro light sources. She is currently completing her dissertation, co-supervised by CNRS-C2N and INAC. Specifically, Ms. Tabataba-Vakili’s work focuses on […] >>

December 03 2018

IMEP-LaHC gets an AFM unlike any other

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The new Bruker Icon AFM installed at IMEP-LaHC in late October offers conventional topographical measurement capabilities with resolutions of around a nanometer. There’s nothing revolutionary about that. However, the microscope does have some new capabilities that are not available anywhere else in Grenoble. The equipment’s “Data Cube” mode delivers point-by-point electrical and physical measurements across […] >>

December 03 2018

Activage tested by 150 senior citizens

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The EU Activage project, coordinated by IRT Nanoelec and the Isère General Council in France, has now entered the testing phase. Between now and April of 2020, 150 senior citizens in Isère will engage in a year-long test of digital solutions developed to meet their needs. The solutions, designed to boost comfort and safety at […] >>

December 03 2018

Biomedical research: Eveon and LMGP set up joint lab

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Eveon and LMGP have been working together for several years through the Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma Biomedical Engineering program. Today, the partners are ramping up their collaboration through a joint lab funded by the Grenoble-Alpes University IDEX. The lab will investigate the impact of different materials and fluidics processes on the stability of therapeutic proteins. […] >>
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