News :

October 02 2018

FMNT wins two PhD dissertation awards

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PhD candidates at FMNT took home two of the eight PhD dissertation awards granted by the Grenoble-Alps University Community this year. A total of 700 dissertations were defended in 2017. Thomas Sannicolo, a graduate of Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school, won an award for his research on transparent electrodes using silver nanowire networks. […] >>

October 02 2018

Choosing the best LiDAR for autonomous vehicles

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Autonomous vehicle stakeholders are banking on LiDAR* to perceive objects in the environment in real time. However, there are currently no standards for LiDAR sensors and their performance can vary wildly, making them incompatible with the requirements of the target applications. Transdev, a major public transportation operator, turned to Leti and IRT Nanoelec to evaluate […] >>

October 01 2018

Microfluidics: Leti spearheading standardization

  • Innovation & Society
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Since May, Leti has been coordinating the development of microfluidics standards at the EU (CEN) and international (ISO) levels. The lack of standards is a challenge to the continued development and growth of labs-on-chip for healthcare, environmental monitoring, and food manufacturing. The standards-development efforts will align what startups, manufacturers, and academic research labs working in […] >>

October 01 2018

Kalray raises €47.7 million through IPO

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Ten years after the company was founded, Kalray has raised €47.7 million through an IPO, giving the company the resources it will need to finance its projects for the coming years. The first priority will be technology development on Kalray’s third-generation manycore processor. The Coolidge processor is expected to be released in 2019 and will […] >>

October 01 2018

Quantum bits: the future is down under!

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The CEA has already come quite a way on its journey toward building qubits using CMOS technology. Now the CEA will have a formidable ally going forward in Australia-based SQC, which is developing a quantum computer leveraging the technologies developed at UNSW*, renowned internationally for its quantum computing research. The university has a large patent […] >>
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