News :

June 04 2018

7th French-American Workshop coming soon

  • Innovation & Society
  • Life @ MINATEC
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Maison MINATEC will welcome the 7th French-American Workshop on June 21–22, 2018. The event, which is run by GIANT, aims to build a French-American network of stakeholders from research and industry. Nearly 150 students, researchers, members of the diplomatic corps, and representatives of financing agencies are expected to attend. On Thursday, Grenoble Institute of Technology […] >>

June 04 2018

Avalanche photodiodes: Mynaric signs R&D contract with Leti

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Germany’s Mynaric, which specializes in dynamic airborne and space communication networks, recently signed an exclusive R&D contract with Leti. The R&D conducted under the contract will focus on a new generation of avalanche photodiodes (APD) for optical open-air communications (inter-satellite, satellite-to-ground, and balloons). Leti has been developing APD technology for a decade. The institute’s research […] >>

June 04 2018

Go Concept joins the Phelma Partners’ Circle

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Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school welcomed Go Concept into its Partners’ Circle with a three-year agreement signed on April 3. Go Concept will play an active role in the life of the school, providing guest lecturers, attending Partners’ Day, and by allocating its apprenticeship tax to the school. Go Concept is a medium-sized […] >>

June 04 2018

A lifetime guarantee for superhydrophobic coatings?

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LMGP is investigating whether it is possible to design superhydrophobic coatings that repel water for their entire lifetime. The research is being conducted under the French-American REACT project financed by the French National Research Agency, the CEMAM Laboratory of Excellence, and the US National Science Foundation. One of the goals of the project is to […] >>

June 04 2018

LAMA removed from list of nuclear sites

  • Life @ MINATEC
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The CEA-ILL’s Local Information Commission newsletter recently published an announcement that LAMA (the active materials testing lab) had been removed from the French government’s list of nuclear sites following a government decree issued on October 13, 2017. The lab, located behind H1, was in operation from 1961 to 2002. It was used to study the […] >>
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