News :

June 07 2022

FD-SOI leaders form next-generation alliance

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CEA-Leti, Soitec, STMicroelectronics, and GlobalFoundries have formed an alliance on FD-SOI, a technology born 20 years ago at CEA-Leti.They will work together to develop a next-generation semiconductor for connected vehicles, IoT, Industry 4.0, and 5G and 6G telecommunications.STMicroelectronics currently volume-manufactures FD-SOI circuits at the 28 nm node. The goal is to move to the 10 […] >>

June 07 2022

MINATEC to host European IndTech 2022 conference

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As current holder of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, France is hosting the biennial Conference on Industrial Technologies, IndTech 2022. CEA Grenoble is organizing the event at MINATEC from June 27 to 29.This year’s event will focus on tomorrow’s industrial technologies and is expected to bring in major stakeholders from Europe […] >>

June 07 2022

Leti Innovation Days to put a spotlight on eight semiconductor leaders

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Leti Innovation Days is a much-anticipated event for electronics-industry stakeholders.The past year has been unprecedented, whether it was the component shortage or the dizzying pace of progress on a number of technologies.On June 21 to 23, industry leaders will come together to talk about their company’s tech and strategy choices and, of course, network. Eight […] >>

June 07 2022

Interview: Jérôme Garin, Director, Irig

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You have been at the CEA for 37 years and plan to retire in September. What is your main takeaway? I am really pleased to see that our younger scientists are just as passionate about their work as we were about ours back in the 80s.You can just see it, especially at events like PhD […] >>

June 07 2022

Émile Rivoire ready for 2,500 km of solar-powered cycling

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Émile Rivoire of Phelma’s Class of 2016 is ready for Sun Trip Alpes 2022, a 2,500-km solar-powered cycling adventure. He recently picked up his two CEA-built solar modules which, he hopes, will get him all the way to the finish line without plugging in to the grid.A team at CEA was tasked with building the […] >>
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