News :

February 05 2018

Tomorrow’s microdisplays will be curved

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Why is it that the tiny screens on electronic devices like cameras and binoculars are flat when the devices’ lenses are curved? Researchers at Leti have been investigating the issue under the H2020 LOMID project. The goal is to come up with a one-inch-diagonal OLED display with a 45 mm curve radius by June. The […] >>

February 05 2018

Breakthrough in magnetoencephalography from outer space

  • Innovation & Society
  • Research
Researchers at Leti replaced SQUID* sensors with optically-pumped magnetometers used in space applications with the goal of slashing the cost of magnetoencephalography (MEG) machines fivefold by 2022. In research conducted under a European project, the team was able to successfully demonstrate the new magnetometers’ performance. MEG is a neuroimaging technique used to record the magnetic […] >>

February 05 2018

EXPERIMENTA 2018: panel talks not to be missed

  • Innovation & Society
  • Life @ MINATEC
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The Experimenta 2018 art and science fair will be held at Maison MINATEC on February 8–10, 2018. A total of 23 systems designed by scientists and artists will be on display this year and are expected to bring in the usual crowds. Visitors will also be able to take advantage of ten panel talks: three […] >>

February 05 2018

Chipless RFID tag wins €2 million European Research Council Consolidator Grant

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Etienne Perret, a faculty member at Grenoble Institute of Technology and a research scientist at LCIS, an FMNT lab based in Valence, has just won a €2 million European Research Council Consolidator Grant for his chipless RFID tags. The grant will allow Perret to hire PhD candidates and post-docs and purchase antenna characterization equipment. The […] >>

December 04 2017

MIT to send five teaching assistants to GIANT

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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GIANT, a partner of MIT’s Global Teaching Labs program, will host five MIT students for four weeks in January. The MIT undergrads in the program must complete teaching assignments abroad. They will teach—in French—the high school students participating in the Nano@School program and will help to develop and facilitate new workshops on low-tech solutions and […] >>
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