News :

October 02 2017

Iprasense introduces high-throughput cell culture monitoring

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The high-throughput Cytonote Cell counter, released in July 2017 by Iprasense, lets labs monitor up to 96 cell cultures in parallel and in real time. Like the company’s previous-generation cell counter, the new product delivers statistics on cell viability and requires no specific sample preparation. The product is the third in Iprasense’s lineup to leverage […] >>

October 02 2017

INAC develops first-ever quantum-dot nanotubes

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What do you get when you take a GaN nanowire, add a very thin layer of InAlN, and then heat the GaN to make it disappear? An InAlN nanotube! And if you use a nanowire covered with multiple layers of InAlN/GaN, you get a nanotube whose walls are made up of quantum dots! The quantum-dot […] >>

October 02 2017

Remote-controlled nanotweezer arrays

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Researchers at INAC developed micromanipulators to form an array of submicrometric tweezers that can be remote-controlled simultaneously. The researchers took advantage of standard microelectronics-industry processes to make millions of nanotweezers—each composed of two magnetic particles fabricated layer by layer using lithography and attached with a gold nanohinge—at the same time. The tweezers open when a […] >>

October 02 2017

Graphene and spintronics come together

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Graphene offers some pretty amazing properties that could really enhance spintronic devices. But how do you inject a spin-polarized current into a two-dimensional, non-magnetic material like graphene? Researchers at INAC tackled the issue, using ab initio calculations to demonstrate the feasibility of injecting a robust spin-polarized current into graphene by placing it near magnetic insulators. […] >>

October 02 2017

Very-high-density optically reconfigurable gate arrays

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Like electrical networks, optical telecommunications networks must be reconfigurable so that the signal can be routed to meet the needs of subscribers. Researchers at Leti developed an optical signal routing node with an unrivalled level of integration. The prototype developed counts 800 active optical components fabricated on a SOI substrate to form an array of […] >>
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