News :

October 02 2017

Unidirectional spin waves

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The limits of conventional electronic systems will soon be reached, and scientists are on the lookout for new solutions, one of which would entail using spin waves to create logic architectures that are more efficient than today’s CMOS systems. But to work, the spin waves have to be unidirectional, which is a challenge! Researchers at […] >>

October 02 2017

The quest for the qubit continues

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Sensitive, compact systems capable of reading quantum states will be crucial to industry’s transition to quantum computing. Researchers from INAC and Leti have already demonstrated the world’s first FDSOI qubit (quantum bit) device made on a 300 mm CMOS fab line. Now, they have also shown that low-temperature reflectometry can be used to read a […] >>

October 02 2017

Parvis des sciences fair turns ten!

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The tenth annual Parvis des sciences science fair will be held on October 19–21, 2017 at MINATEC. And, with ample opportunities to look, touch, experiment, and ask questions, there is sure to be something for each of the 3,000 visitors expected this year. Thursday and Friday—for school groups only—are already fully booked. A total of […] >>

June 07 2017

Cholera test kit designed in Grenoble in iGEM competition

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This year Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school and Grenoble-Alpes University (UGA) will once again enter the iGEM synthetic biology competition held by Boston’s MIT. The Grenoble team, which includes four students from Phelma and six from UGA’s School of Pharmacy, will develop a portable, self-contained cholera test kit. A DNA sequence from the […] >>

June 07 2017

Photonics platform open for business after a six-month delay

  • Life @ MINATEC
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The photonics platform, originally slated for delivery in November 2016—later pushed back to January 2017—, finally opened on May 2, 2017. In all, it took the builder six months to resolve the variety of issues plaguing the project and deliver a building compliant with the original specifications. One of the major problems observed was excessive […] >>
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