News :

June 07 2017

SensiNact released as open source

  • Innovation & Society
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The SensiNact IoT peripherals integration and management platform developed by Leti facilitates the interoperability and processing of data from heterogeneous sensors installed in urban environments. Leti announced that the software would be released as open source at the Embedded World 2017 trade show. The software has already been used in a Franco-Japanese research project on […] >>

June 07 2017

Mechanical constraint helps locate quantum light sources

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New optoelectronic components like single-photon sources leverage semiconducting quantum dots integrated into a photonic structure. The sources are generally randomly distributed across a surface within the structure. Knowing the sources’ positions, however, is important to understanding and improving component performance. Researchers at INAC and Institut Néel developed a novel technique to map the sources. They […] >>

June 07 2017

P-SCAN pinpoints industrial systems’ vulnerabilities

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As part of a partnership with international certification agency Bureau Veritas, Leti developed a test bench to verify the security of connected objects for industry, healthcare, transportation, and more generally, the Internet of Things. The P-SCAN test bench is the world’s first automated system that can detect potential vulnerabilities at the physical interfaces of industrial […] >>

June 07 2017

Large-scale two-dimensional MoSe2 production with no tape!

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Researchers at INAC recently synthesized homogeneous three-atomic-layer MoSe2 on a large scale using molecular beam epitaxy. Like other transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), MoSe2 is a two-dimensional semiconductor that offers vast potential for applications in electronics, spintronics, and optoelectronics. Producing the material by exfoliation from bulk crystal using adhesive tape does not deliver consistent enough quality […] >>

June 07 2017

First-ever 600 V/100 A GaN demonstrator transistor for power electronics

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Power components now have their own transistor. Researchers at Leti completed the first-ever 600 V/100 A normally-off MIS-HEMT (metal-insulator-semiconductor high-electron-mobility transistor) offering performance compatible with the requirements of power electronics. In addition, the transistor can operate at 200 °C and can be manufactured at a reasonable cost. A 3 micron–4 micron GaN layer was deposited […] >>
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