News :

December 05 2016

High-performance computing gets more energy-efficient data transfer

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The 3D-NoC network-on-chip developed by Leti, STMicroelectronics, and Mentor Graphics under a project coordinated by IRT Nanoelec offers 20% to 40% less energy consumption and higher speeds than other NoCs. The NoC developed is built on two 28 nm FDSOI stacked circuits, each with 96 processor cores. The cores are integrated on a 65 nm […] >>

December 05 2016

Diamonds are a 3-D micro-supercapacitor’s best friend

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Silicon nanowires covered with a diamond film deposited by microwave CVD and an electroactive (PEDOT) polymer layer were used to create innovative electrodes under the EU-backed NEST research project. Two teams of researchers from INAC participating in this project achieved substantial improvements in 3D micro-supercapacitor performance. The results were confirmed on a demonstrator system. The […] >>

October 03 2016

MRIs could become more accurate and affordable

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Researchers from Leti and G2Elab are working to develop a new kind of medical imaging technology, “fast field-cycling MRI” (FFC-MRI). The research is being conducted under the four-year EU IDentIFY project, which kicked off in 2016. The new MRI is expected to be both more accurate and affordable than current technologies. The concept was developed […] >>

October 03 2016

Driverless vehicles: it’s all about the algorithms

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The main obstacle to developing tomorrow’s 100% driverless vehicles is the huge processing power required. Today, you would have to virtually fill the vehicles with powerful computers to run them! For the past three years, researchers at Leti have been working on a breakthrough technology to replace today’s algorithms, originally developed for robotics applications, with […] >>

October 03 2016

Inac website features four researcher profile videos

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Inac has started publishing video content on its website and on YouTube. The latest additions are the profiles of four basic-science researchers who boldly volunteered to be featured. The short—under four minute—videos are simple and straightforward, showing the people behind the science happening in Inac labs. Inac has also published a video presenting the institute. […] >>
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