News :

October 03 2016

Lensless imaging: Iprasense releases a new product

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The joint lab between Iprasense and Leti has designed a new product, Cytonote Counter. This lensless digital microscope can observe a very large field (30 mm2) and measure cell viability with unrivalled reproducibility and precision. The markerless cell-viability measurement is based on a detailed analysis of the interference figures obtained. This means that marking with […] >>

October 03 2016

CoolCube® attains more than 10 million 3D contacts/mm2

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Leti is extending its 3D integration roadmap with its CoolCube® technology developed in conjunction with several industrial R&D partners including IBM and STMicroelectronics. The technology attains 10 million 3D contacts per mm2, a huge increase over the 100,000 contacts delivered by traditional solutions. With CoolCube®, FDSOI transistors are stacked and interconnected with pattern alignment accurate […] >>

October 03 2016

Rethinking resistive memory

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Resistive memory (ReRAM) is a thousand times faster than flash memory and will likely replace flash in coming years. Leti is already working on ReRAM with industrial R&D partners, and has designed a tool to improve memory performance that calculates the main ReRAM design constraints (some of which are in conflict with others). The calculator […] >>

October 03 2016

A power converter that can withstand 200 °C

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Researchers at Leti have tested in real-world conditions a power converter capable of operating at an ambient temperature of 200 °C (and up to around 250 °C). High temperatures like these are common in automotive, aeronautics, and oil and gas drilling applications. Leti’s technology could also reduce—or eliminate entirely—the need for cooling systems in less-demanding […] >>

October 03 2016

LMGP takes atomic layer deposition to the next level

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At the end of September LMGP presented its new SALD (Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition) reactor to MINATEC. It is the first reactor of its kind in France. It operates at atmospheric pressure, bringing down costs, and can perform atomic layer deposition up to 100 times faster than traditional ALD equipment. And the resulting layers are […] >>
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