News :

February 04 2022

Wireless technology unleashes avalanche detonators

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CEA-Leti will present an electronic detonator system with bidirectional radio modules at the Mountain Planet trade show in Grenoble in April.Communicating via a special protocol, the system wirelessly and remotely controls several detonations synchronized to within a tenth of a second, with a success rate of 100%.The technology was originally developed for Davey Bickford, the […] >>

February 04 2022

Rose to develop artificial nose for patients suffering from loss of smell

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Since September, CEA-Leti and startup Aryballe have been contributing to the European Rose project to design a miniaturized artificial nose.The innovation will help the staggering 20% of the world’s population who have lost or partially lost their sense of smell due to Covid-19 or other illnesses.CEA-Leti is developing ultrasound transducers that contain silicon membranes that […] >>

February 04 2022

LEDs in the race against mercury for UV-C emission

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A recent paper by researchers from Irig and Institut Néel presents a method for creating quantum wells in GaN/AlGaN core-shell structures on GaN for UV emission enhancement.The secret of the structures lies in their very small number of cracks—which behave like non-radiative centers, trapping charge carriers.Because of the difference between the two materials’ mesh parameters, […] >>

February 04 2022

Silver nanowire arrays not as unstable as previously thought

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Silver nanowires, in the running to replace transparent indium tin oxide electrodes, are plagued by instability under electrical and/or thermal stress.A PhD candidate at LMGP showed that silver nanowires encapsulated in transparent oxides deposited by spatial ALD are stable.Other laboratories and companies also contributed to the project, helping integrate the reinforced silver nanowires into heating […] >>

February 04 2022

Tenfold reduction in ReRAM cell variability

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A solution to the problem of excessive variability in ReRAM (resistive memory) could be found in Mott insulators, metals that conduct electricity in theory, but that turn out to be insulators.To test their theory, researchers working on a joint project by CEA-Leti, LTM, and CNRS fabricated 15 x 300 nm2 memory cells, replacing the usual […] >>
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