News :

December 01 2020

A new wrinkle sure to foil counterfeiters’ plans

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In research published in Advanced Materials, CEA-Leti and Bordeaux-based CELIA* developed a process to generate random micrometric patterns. A pulsed laser is used to melt thin layers of an amorphous germanium chalcogenide. This causes tiny wrinkles that are micrometers wide and tens of nanometers deep to form, creating the pattern. They are impossible to reproduce […] >>

December 01 2020

Avalun Covid-19 antigen test now on market

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Startup Avalun, which calls the MINATEC High-Tech Building its home, released its Covid-19 antigen test a few days ago. This powerful growth driver will also help speed up the rollout of Avalun’s portable lab, LabPad® Evolution. At the start of 2020, Avalun had plans to roll out its LabPad® INR in six regions across France […] >>

December 01 2020

Women in engineering 2020: Grenoble INP earns kudos for its commitment to gender representation

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On October 1, 2020 Grenoble INP won the “Most Committed School Award” for its Genre INP’lication project at the CDEFI* 10th annual Ingénieuses women in engineering competition. The award-winning project to improve gender representation is led by Céline Ternon, who heads gender equity programs at Grenoble INP. Genre INP’lication encompassed awareness-raising activities at several Grenoble […] >>

December 01 2020

FMNT backs four new equipment purchases

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Three FMNT (Foundation for Micro and Nano Technology) partner labs had four equipment purchase requests, endorsed by FMNT, approved for funding by Grenoble INP. The equipment will be installed in the labs in 2021 and will be made available to other users through the OPE)N(RA characterization platform. IMEP-LaHC will get a latest-generation semiconductor parameter analyzer […] >>

December 01 2020

SafeHear could make conversations in noisy environments safer and more comfortable

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Imagine earplugs that filter out noises, not voices! Startup SafeHear, founded in early 2020 by Grenoble INP-Phelma student Antoine Kuhnast and Grenoble IAE graduate Héléna Jérôme, is developing just such a product. The founders have some heavyweights behind them: They are already working on several R&D projects with STMicroelectronics and Inria. The human voice is […] >>
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