News :

October 01 2022

Érasmia Dupenloup appointed CEO of Minalogic cluster

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A Grenoble INP alumnae and computer scientist, Dupenloup’s career has spanned research and private-sector business and taken her from France to the United States and back again.She joined Minalogic in 2012 to head the cluster’s business development activities for its member companies.Government funding for tech and industrial development projects is up at both the French […] >>

October 01 2022

Experimenta 2022, ten days of the arts and sciences

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The Biennale Arts Sciences will be held on October 12 to 22, offering up its usual exciting program covering a broader scope than ever.MINATEC and Y.SPOT Partners will host events, of course. This year, however, new locations throughout the Greater Grenoble, Voiron, and Grésivaudan Valley areas have been added.The Experimenta exhibition held during the Biennale […] >>

October 01 2022

Interview: Michel Ida, CEA Tech

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You have been leading CEA-Tech’s efforts to assess the societal impacts of its research since 2021.What are the program’s objectives?The first, and most important, is to make sure our project, program, and partnership strategies incorporate these concerns, something we have already begun to do with ecodesign.Our research has a powerful impact on our lives, on […] >>

October 01 2022

MINATEC startups win big at i-Lab 2022

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The 2022 edition of the i-Lab innovation competition was a particularly good one for the MINATEC campus, which brought home one of three grand prizes and awards for three other startups.CEA-Leti won three awards: a grand prize for Qosmos, which is developing a million-plus qubit quantum computer, as well as awards for Admir and its […] >>

October 01 2022

Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA wins award for innovation in teaching

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The IPhy (physics for photonics and microelectronics) program at Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA won a jury’s favorite award from the CGE, a consortium of competitive higher education institutions in France, for its challenge-based curriculum.So, what are the challenges, exactly? A series of cross-disciplinary tasks students must complete as they work on a project about […] >>
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