News :

October 01 2019

Nano@school goes low-tech

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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The 2018-2019 school year was a success for the Nano@school educational outreach program, which brought 800 high-school students, including 80 international students (from Turkey, Luxembourg, and Italy), to CIME Nanotech. The low-tech workshop introduced last year was a big hit. Students use parts from everyday electronics like DVD players, for example, to learn the fundamentals […] >>

October 01 2019

Nobel laureate Gérard Mourou to visit MINATEC

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Dr. Gérard Mourou, who is a Professor Emeritus at the prestigious École Polytechnique and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2018 (with two other scientists)*, will come to MINATEC to meet with Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma students on Wednesday, October 16 during a two-day visit to Grenoble. First, he will meet with students […] >>

October 01 2019

ISKN enters video gaming market

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ISKN, a startup founded in 2014 to develop and commercialize an augmented interaction technology hatched at Leti, made its reputation with the Slate, which transforms handwritten drawings, sketches, and notes into digital files in real time. This summer the company ramped up its international business development strategy, presenting its latest product, Tori, in New York […] >>

October 01 2019

Phelma students experience DIY labs

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Students majoring in Electrochemistry and Processes for Energy and the Environment at Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school are experiencing new do-it-yourself (DIY) labs this year. They are working with three pilot systems (distillation, convection, and conduction) equipped with a wide range of instruments—all hooked up to simulation software. Students must choose their own […] >>

October 01 2019

Grenoble’s iGEM 2019 competitors to enter teardrop test for Parkinson’s

  • Education
  • Life @ MINATEC
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Once again this year, a group of students from Grenoble (including four from Phelma) will go to Boston in November to compete in the MIT iGEM international genetically-engineered machine competition. This year’s team is currently putting the finishing touches on NeuroDrop, a system that uses a genetically-modified bacteria to detect a protein called alpha-synuclein, which […] >>
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