Bringing chronic heart failure patients home for good
Categorie(s) : Industry, News, Research
Published : 3 December 2018
A powerful new remote monitoring system could track heart failure patients’ blood levels right from their homes. Startup CardioRenal has been working with Leti since 2015 to develop just such a system. This summer, the partners ramped up their collaboration by creating a joint lab to make improvements to a lab-on-chip leveraging microfluidics and optical and electrochemical sensors. The goal is to scale the technology up to be able to launch clinical trials next year.
Fine-tuning a patient’s drug doses once they have been released from the hospital is tricky. Kidney failure and pulmonary edema are two of the major risks physicians must head off. The future device will be able to run the necessary tests from just a single drop of blood. The blood tests will make fine-tuning drug doses easier, reducing the number of stressful and costly hospital stays.