News : Events

February 03 2014

Quantum simulation sheds new light on physics of advanced transistors

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Researchers at INAC and Leti recently developed a quantum simulation code that is providing groundbreaking insights into the physics of advanced FD-SOI and Tri-gate transistors. What makes the researchers’ work so significant is that semi-traditional simulation models do not factor in the quantum effects that play an increasing role as transistor sizes trend towards the […] >>

December 02 2013

Telephony: an antenna that follows you from network to network

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Cell phone antennas are now so tiny that they can no longer adapt to different networks’ frequency bands, seriously impairing data transmission and call quality. Leti is working on a smart miniature antenna capable of adapting its impedance all on its own. The antenna already covers GSM, DCS, UMTS, Wi-Fi, and LTE; low 4G frequencies […] >>

December 02 2013

Jean-Luc Vallejo, ISKN* (iSketchnotemaker): “Crowdfunding put us six to twelve months ahead of schedule.”

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You raised $346,000, nearly ten times your original goal. Did that surprise you? It did! We set out to raise $35,000, hoping to maybe reach $100,000. But interest in the project was clear virtually from the beginning. We reached our goal of $35,000 in the first fourteen hours of the month-long campaign! Looking back, I […] >>

October 06 2013

Non-destructive surface testing goes 50 nm deep

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In a world first, a team of French and Danish researchers from Leti and STMicroelectronics successfully performed non-destructive testing on a CMOS stack layer embedded at a depth of more than 50 nm, locating it to within 10% accuracy. The team, working at ESRF, used X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy—a method until now used exclusively for extreme […] >>

June 10 2013

MINATEC gets €150 million worth of new buildings

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With €150 million of building construction projects planned or underway, MINATEC is undergoing a major expansion—its biggest leap forward since it was established in 2002. The Nanobio2 building (1,400 m2 of useable space) will be inaugurated in just a few weeks. Construction has begun on the Phelma II building (8,500 m2 of gross floor area) […] >>
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