News : Events

February 06 2017

International Space Station: Germs be gone!

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Long space missions present such a high risk of bacterial infection that astronauts spend 10% of their time cleaning! One of the objectives of the ISS Proxima mission (in which ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet is participating) is to study five advanced antibacterial materials on board. Because the bacteria cannot adhere to the materials, they simply […] >>

December 06 2016

DNA could bring new innovations to microelectronics

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Recent advances in research being conducted by Leti and INAC scientists under CEA project A3DN could help overcome one of the major technological hurdles facing microelectronics R&D. So, what does DNA have to do with microelectronics? DNA strings measure around a nanometer—as do the pattern geometries the researchers are working on. And DNA’s base-pairing capacities […] >>

October 03 2016

MRIs could become more accurate and affordable

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Researchers from Leti and G2Elab are working to develop a new kind of medical imaging technology, “fast field-cycling MRI” (FFC-MRI). The research is being conducted under the four-year EU IDentIFY project, which kicked off in 2016. The new MRI is expected to be both more accurate and affordable than current technologies. The concept was developed […] >>

June 06 2016

Nanoresonators: the plot thickens amid new insights

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A team of researchers from Leti along with three of Leti’s international partners* have finally shed new light on the discrepancy of up to two orders of magnitude between the theoretical detection limits of nanoresonators and the resonators’ actual performance. Until now, it was believed that the tiniest mass or force that could be detected […] >>

April 01 2016

2016–2020: FMNT expands

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The FMNT (Federation for Micro and Nanotechnologies) saw its mandate renewed for an additional five years on January 1, 2016. The organization took advantage of the occasion to bring in three new labs, bringing its total headcount to nearly 500—a 30% increase. The FMNT is now one of France’s largest research organizations in the fields […] >>
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