News : Interviews

October 06 2013

Interview: Philippe Michallon, Head of SPICE

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Philippe Michallon, Head of SPICE * « We want to leverage our showroom  to better promote our technologies »   You have several initiatives underway for your showroom. What are their key aims? Between 5,000 and 6,000 people visit our showroom every year, 90% of them from outside the CEA. It’s been a huge success […] >>

June 10 2013

Fabien Ndagijimana interview: “We want to calm the debate on electromagnetic waves”

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Fabien Ndagijimana, IMEP-LAHC, Pheline lab*: “We want to calm the debate on electromagnetic waves” In the book you wrote with Pheline colleague François Gaudaire [called Au Cœur des Ondes]—were you out to attack electromagnetic waves or defend them? Neither. What we wanted to do is calm the debate on electromagnetic waves, which is being fuelled […] >>

February 04 2013

Interview with Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Fanny Poinsotte*

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“Some 1,500 young people benefitted from our school outreach programs last year.” From nanoscience classes and a robotics competition to the Science Fair and High Tech U, Grenoble Institute of Technology’s school outreach programs are gaining in popularity. What do you think is driving this momentum? The kinds of programs we run can really motivate […] >>

December 03 2012

Interview: Jean-Luc Doumont, Co-founder of Principiæ

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Jean-Luc Doumont, Co-founder of Principiæ* “Scientists and engineers should strive for simplicity when presenting their research” You train scientists and engineers around the world to communicate more effectively. Do they really need that much help? Yes! People with scientific backgrounds often have trouble explaining things simply. They tend to be stuck in school exam mode, […] >>

October 01 2012

Interview – Laetitia Rapenne, LMGP

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“Our sample preparation training course is unique in France” In November 2012, LMGP will offer its transmission electron microscopy (TEM) sample preparation course for the fourth time. What makes the course unique? The training course covers various sample preparation techniques suitable for both solid and divided samples, such as: tripod mechanical polishing; ionic thinning; focused […] >>
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