News : Interviews

December 01 2020

Interview: Ronald Phlypo, Dean, Masters in Data Analysis: Linking Experiments and Theory, Phelma

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What motivated you to set up this Masters program focused on scientific method and experimentation? We feel that these are fundamental skills. And not only for scientists. Students planning careers in industrial R&D need them, too. Experimentation is vital to testing and development cycles. What we are seeing with our students’ culminating projects is that […] >>

October 05 2020

Interview: Giorgio Anania, CEO, Aledia

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What spurred Aledia to build its new plant in Champagnier?*We wanted to be 100% ready to manufacture when our product hits the market in early 2022. Our micro-LED technology offers some very substantial benefits for augmented reality and smartphone and computer displays. But we are also competing with companies like Facebook and Apple. So, we […] >>

July 06 2020

Interview: Anne Vilcot, Dean, Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma Engineering School

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How well did Phelma navigate the shift to 100% online learning? It was hard to get things going. Our faculty had to reorganize their entire course loads on very short notice. The videoconferencing tools we had couldn’t handle the capacity: We only had ten Zoom licenses at the time. But everyone rolled up their sleeves […] >>

April 06 2020

Interview: Youla Morfouli, Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma

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At the end of January, you ran a day-long workshop on sustainable electronics for the 40 students in the Nanotech Master’s program. What were you aiming to achieve? Increasingly, our students want to know what the environmental impacts of their future careers are. Sometimes, the answer is hard for them to hear. We wanted to […] >>

February 04 2020

Interview: Julien Mottin, Application Director, Prophesee

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Prophesee recently set up a ten-person team at the BHT. The company also just raised €25 million in capital. What’s your technology? We are developing an “event-based” vision sensor that can detect any change within a scene with microsecond resolution. The goal is not to produce images, but to perform functions like counting on fast […] >>
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