News : Interviews

December 03 2018

Interview: Etienne Vogt, General Manager, Utilities Services, Engie

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Etienne Vogt, General Manager, Utilities Services, Engie: “Our renewable hydrogen costs less than hydrogen produced using fossil fuels.”   You have been supplying hydrogen produced via water electrolysis to the CEA and the hydrogen filling station at GEG since October. What is the story behind the innovation? It all started with the HyWay hydrogen-powered mobility […] >>

October 01 2018

Interview: Aurélien Kuhn, Senior Professor, Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma

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Aurélien Kuhn, Senior Professor, Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma: “We need to introduce more active instructional methods into college physics classrooms.”   In July, you and your colleagues at Grenoble-Alps University held a symposium on how to bring more active instructional methods into college physics classrooms. What drew you to the topic?  Mainly because more active […] >>

June 04 2018

Interview: Thierry Derez, CEO, Covéa “The Clinatec model is unique among biomedical research centers”

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Your company recently began a three-year, €1 million partnership with Clinatec. Why? Our brands have been committed to the disability cause for years. Specifically, we support the prevention and treatment of joint and bone disease, the second-leading cause of disability in France. We hope that our partnership with Clinatec will position us to more effectively […] >>

April 01 2018

Interview: Tony Prézeau “Innovation marketing demands agility and a willingness to challenge the status quo”

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Tony Prézeau, Head of the Bibliometrics Department, CEA Market Research Division: “Innovation marketing demands agility and a willingness to challenge the status quo”   Why does technological research need innovation marketing? Technology push is not enough, as evidenced by the fact that 85% of innovations are market failures. This occurs for several reasons, from the […] >>

February 05 2018

Guillaume Jubien, a student at Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma and participant in the iGEM 2017 International Genetically Engineered Machine

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Tell us about SnapLab, the project that originated in Grenoble and that won a gold medal at the iGEM finals at MIT. SnapLab is a portable and very easy-to-use cholera test kit that can detect a sequence of nucleic acid in a stool sample and emit fluorescence if the bacteria responsible for cholera are present. […] >>
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